I defined (by drawing) a significant number of polygons and need to export the time series of the average values inside each one. Following this example, that allows to display charts for each region, how can I export the data to a .csv? Ideally I will have in the first row the names of the regions.
// Define a FeatureCollection: regions of the American West.
var regions = ee.FeatureCollection([
ee.Feature( // San Francisco.
ee.Geometry.Rectangle(-122.45, 37.74, -122.4, 37.8), {label: 'City'}),
ee.Feature( // Tahoe National Forest.
ee.Geometry.Rectangle(-121, 39.4, -120.8, 39.8), {label: 'Forest'}),
ee.Feature( // Black Rock Desert.
ee.Geometry.Rectangle(-119.15, 40.8, -119, 41), {label: 'Desert'})
// Load Landsat 8 brightness temperature data for 1 year.
var temps2013 = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC8_L1T_32DAY_TOA')
.filterDate('2012-12-25', '2013-12-25')
// Create a time series chart.
var tempTimeSeries = ui.Chart.image.seriesByRegion(
temps2013, regions, ee.Reducer.mean(), 'B11', 200, 'system:time_start', 'label')
title: 'Temperature over time in regions of the American West',
vAxis: {title: 'Temperature (Kelvin)'},
lineWidth: 1,
pointSize: 4,
series: {
0: {color: 'FF0000'}, // urban
1: {color: '00FF00'}, // forest
2: {color: '0000FF'} // desert
// Display.