I have a folder of tif and tfw files and I would like to show the raster in a map using geoserver. Even reading the geoserver tutorial for this kind of datastore (http://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/data/worldimage.html) I couldn't find the way to show the raster. In the same folder, I also have other files (shape, aux, properties, ..) but I don't know if they are useful for publish the map or not.

I could not figure out how to configure the pyramid of tiff.

Is there a way to configure geoserver or directly OpenLayers in order to show the folder of tif?

1 Answer 1


You should just be able to add and single raster by going to "Add Raster Data Source": http://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/data/geotiff.html

I don't believe you'll need anything other than TIF and ECW files.

Alternately, to load a directory of TIFs, you may wish to read this mailing list thread: http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg08652.html

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