I need to create a fishnet grid (presence and absences) form species distribution areas (polygon shapes). But I need to define that presence (value 1) is correct when more than 30% of the grid is covered by the species distribution area. Any ideas of how to do this?
2 Answers
- Create a vector grid with required settings(extent, spacing) and choose output type as polygon
vector > research tools > vector grid
- perform an intersection with the species distribution layer.
vector > geoprocessing tools > intersection
- Calculate the area of each polygon of the newly generated layer.
- join a area attribute to grid layer
create the presence /absence field using field calculator and generate values using if condition after determining the area of 30% coverage and replace 30 with that area.
if( "intersection_area" > 30, 1, 0 )
- First make sure your fishnet layer has a unique ID field, we'll assume it's called
. - I would assume that each feature in your fishnet layer has the same area, but just in case calculate the area for each feature in a new field called
. - Run the Intersection tool under the Vector -> Geoprocessing Tools menu. Choose your fishnet layer for the input layer and your species distribution layer for the intersect layer.
- Open the attribute table for the new intersected layer and then open the field calculator. Make sure Create a new field is selected and give it the name PROPORTION. Set the Output field type to Decimal number (real). For the expression use
$area / "AREA"
- Right-click on the original fishnet layer in the Layers Panel and choose properties, then go to the Joins panel. Add a new join, select the intersection layer as the join layer, the join field should be
, and the target field should beId
. You can toggle the Choose which fields are joined box and select the PROP field. - With the join complete open the attribute table for the fishnet layer. Open the Select by expression tool and use the expression
"Intersection_PROP" >= 0.3
. This should select all the features in your fishnet where at least 30% of the feature is covered by the species distribution polygon. - You can then use the field calculator to set the value of your presence/absence field to 1 for the selected features.