For each year, I need to take the max. of spring months from the representative rasters, and then clip the resulting "max raster" to each region in a feature collection. Ultimately, I need to automate the export of each of the resulting rasters (i.e. a raster for each year and each feature). So let's say...
- feature_list is my Feature Collection
raster_collection is the Image Collection from the online catalog
var years = ee.List.sequence(1984, 2015);
I assume I have to iterate over the years, such that I can...
year = ee.Number(year).toInt();
var startdate = ee.String(year).cat("-04-01");
var enddate = ee.String(year).cat("-06-30");
var WaterSpring = raster_collection.filterDate(startdate,enddate).max();
Then I need to clip by each "feat" in feature_list...
var WaterSubset = WaterSpring.clip(feat);
var Water =; // make Water binary
Water = Water.updateMask(Water.neq(0));
I have found both these questions...
Iterating over years for features in feature collection using Google Earth Engine?
How can I export a set of images from Google Earth Engine?
I can't quite figure out how to "reverse engineer" them though because it seems like I might be getting a multi-dimensional list as the output, or something like that.
UPDATE: If this makes the wording/concept simpler, I basically need to iterate or map over a Feature Collection and an Image Collection, such that I have a separate clipped image for each feature, for all images in the Image Collection.