I have created a topology schema 'parcele_topo' with the default tables edge_data, face, node and relation. I also imported a polygon shapefile to this schema using shp2pgsql-gui as table 'parcele_tsur_116'. I added a topogeometry column (named 'topo') to this table using:
select topology.addtopogeometrycolumn('parcele_topo','parcele_topo','parcele_tsur_116','topo','polygon');
This is the topology summary:
Topology parcele_topo (id 3, SRID 2462, precision 0.005)0 nodes, 0 edges, 0 faces, 0 topogeoms in 0 layers Layer 1, type Polygonal (3), 0 topogeoms Deploy: parcele_topo.parcele_tsur_116.topo
And this is the screenshot:
Now I want to convert this simple table to topogeometry layer inside this topology schema so I can use topological analyses.