I'd like to process multiple sets of old (>1938) aerial imagery that are scanned, but whether merged nor georeferenced. While I had good results with QGIS to align single photos, using passpoints, this doesn't scale for all the tiles and lacks preprocessing steps:
- remove film-frame
- align all photos to each other
- choose / combine overlapping areas
- composite and color adjustments
- georeference using passpoints + global coordinates
Is there any free / open source toolchain, that can deal with all that?
A user-interface as huginn would be brilliant, but CLI + tutorial could do the job. My approach would be to use GIMP to create a single image (incl. preprocessing), align it using QGIS and create the final GeoTIFF. While the results are only for visual compare and will be embedded within an WMS, I don't need the highest accuracy and would preffer an solution that I can use with my limited knowledge in raster processing. Rectifieng the result is not required.
Unfortunately I don't own the calibration-infos for the cameras, so tools as MicMac doesn't seem to work. The Orfeo toolbox seems to be focused on detecting passpoints and perform the feature analysis :-/