I have some aspatial tables hosted on ArcGIS Server (10.3.1 with Oracle 11g for the database) that I would like to load into QGIS (2.18).

The Add ArcGisFeatureServer dialog is only displaying the feature layers i.e. the tables are not listed.

Is there any functionality built-in to QGIS or available via a common plugin that allows me to load these tables?

As suggested by Francisco Raga in the comments below I have tried loading the table via the python API.

While this loads the spatial layer at index 0 of the Feature Server:

iface.addVectorLayer("url='https://example.com/.../FeatureServer/0' crs='EPSG:4326'", "title", "arcgisfeatureserver")

Both of these attempts to load the data table at index 1 produce only an "invalid layer" message:

iface.addVectorLayer("url='https://example.com/.../FeatureServer/1' crs='EPSG:4326'", "title", "arcgisfeatureserver")    
iface.addVectorLayer("url='https://example.com/.../FeatureServer/1'", "title", "arcgisfeatureserver")

1 Answer 1


You can connect to an Oracle Database using Layer>Add Layer> Add Oracle Spatial Layer.

enter image description here

This can list both spatial and non-spatial tables in the database. It since you are not using Oracle Spatial (ArcGIS server) the spatial tables will probably not work directly, but the non-spatial tables should.

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