Can we get the coordinate of nodes belongs to shortest path???
I give brief description, I calculate the shortest path with A* algorithm using Pgrouting, but what I'm looking for coordinates (long, Lat) of all the nodes that belong to path???
There are several examples how to join the result of a pgRouting query with its original table to return the geometry as part of the result, starting with the following example:
SELECT dijkstra.*,, ST_AsText(ways.the_geom)
FROM pgr_dijkstra(
'SELECT gid AS id, * FROM vehicle_net',
(SELECT id FROM ways_vertices_pgr WHERE osm_id = 61350413),
(SELECT id FROM ways_vertices_pgr WHERE osm_id = 61479912)
) AS dijkstra
ON (edge = gid) ORDER BY seq;
In the example above the geometry is returned in WKT format with ST_AsText(ways.the_geom)
but you could also get single lat/lon points using ST_DumpPoints(ways.the_geom)