I have attempted to run the Euclidean Distance tool, using ArcMap 10.5.1, on a feature class of 50 points (hospitals), but I received an invisible output. Using 'Identify' I get 'NoData' for the pixel values.
Is the cell size dependent on or limited by the number of features in the input FC?
What I think is more likely is the output cell size is causing the output issues. I want to do a Weighted Sum on my raster data, and I am trying to make the cell sizes in Euclidean Distance consistent for the raster math. I have grocery store and hospital FCs as separate inputs/outputs. I don't understand why this> is happening, but the default output cell sizes are drastically different for these two point FC inputs. One is 000s, and the other is 0.0000000 -E^3. I have tried to find an output cell size that works for both but haven't been successful (hospitals output raster is invisible/NoData).