I'm trying to implement my map using OL-Cesium / CesiumJS.

var layer2 = new ol.layer.Tile({
      source: new ol.source.TileWMS({
        url: 'https://demo.boundlessgeo.com/geoserver/wms',
        params: {
          'LAYERS': 'opengeo:countries'

var map = new ol.Map({
    layers: [
    target: 'world-map',
    view: new ol.View({
        center: [-99.816397,43.2843246],
        zoom: 4,
        projection: 'EPSG:4326'

var ol3d = new olcs.OLCesium({map: map});
var scene = ol3d.getCesiumScene();

This is working well and I can see my map as a globe. But when I change the layer to my local OpenStreetMap Geoserver ...

var osm = new ol.layer.Tile({
    source: new ol.source.TileWMS({
      url: 'http://my.local.osm/geoserver/wms',
      params: {
          'LAYERS': 'osm:worldlayer',


... I can see only a white globe. Inspecting the "network traffic" in my browser I can see all tiles are comming fine.

This is one of the tile URL in my local geosever (from the browser traffic inspector) :


and this is one of the tiles URL from working Boundless demo geoserver


Both cases I can see the image thumbnail in the browser network inspector and the HTTP result is 200. The error (is not a CORS error):

An error occurred in "mf": Failed to obtain image tile X: 4 Y: 2 Level: 3. Cesium.js:459:3692

I'm using OL-Cesium v1.37 from GitHub

There is no proxy between me and my OSM geoserver. There is a proxy between me and Internet.

  • Already tried to inspect the code Cesium.js at 459 but the minified code is a nightmare to follow.
    – Magno C
    Commented May 9, 2018 at 13:40

1 Answer 1


Well this is a CORS error at all.

Solved (at least at my own server) editing the web.xml of my Tomcat at <TOMCAT_DIR>/conf/web.xml and added this:


... but I think OL-Cesium is not very useful when using external layers from Geoserver. OpenLayers can show any WMS layer with easy. Most of my user's layers I can't show in Cesium globe because CORS.

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