In ArcMap, you can use the KML to Layer tool, found in Arctoolbox under Conversion to convert the kml into ESRI File Geodatabase format
If the layer doesn't import in the correct location automatically (kml files usually carry this information), you should check the coordinate system of the data in the layer properties>source tab. If this is undefined, use the Define Projection tool to set the layers to your preferred projection.
If it already has a coordinate system defined, you will need to transform each of the layers to NAD83 Z2 instead. First double click on Layers at the top of the Table of Contents pane and set the map to your preferred projection (also set the Transformation if required), then right click on each of your layers and click Data>Export Data. In the dialog that opens, click the option like 'export using the projection of the data frame'.
If there is no georeferencing information at all (unlikely), you'll have to use the Spatial Adjustment toolbar and use it to link your layer to reference points using another dataset as reference.