I have a river network (Line with arrow as shown in image below) and I need to create perpendicular lines to the river at every 15 meters as you walk along it (see image below).

Is there a function in PostGIS capable of doing this?


3 Answers 3


No clear existing function to do this, but working back from the great suggestions on this post: Making perpendicular lines through each polygon edge using PostGIS?

Assuming you are good with PostGIS syntax, this might help you:

  1. Split the line into 15m segments, like this: https://www.northrivergeographic.com/qgis-split-a-line-at-an-interval
  2. Loop every segment in the newly segmented line and for each segment:
  3. Create parallel lines with ST_OffsetCurve with a desired distance D (can be as longer than the lake/sea as shown above, we will clip them later), on both sides of the line
  4. For every 15m segment, make a new line from the centroid of that segment to the centroid of the corresponding parallel lines with ST_MakeLine
  5. You should have perpendicular lines, spaced 15m extending beyond the river basin/lake
  6. Clip the lines with the sea region
  • ok thanks - is there a way of undertaking step 1 in PostGIS? Commented Oct 26, 2018 at 14:29

Unfortunately, I can't see your figure and as a result, I suggest to create the following pgSQL geo-function for implementation, as I perceived the content of the question.

There are many simple and complex geo-tools that can solve your complex problem and this is one of them.

  1. The first function can solve the problem for rectilinear objects.

Create the geo-function:

    geom GEOMETRY,
    sl numeric)
        geodata AS (SELECT row_number() over() AS id, (ST_Dump($1)).geom geom),
        linecut AS (SELECT id, ST_LineSubstring(d.geom, substart, CASE WHEN subend > 1 THEN 1 ELSE subend END) geom FROM (SELECT id, geom, ST_Length(((geom)::geometry)) len, $2 sublen FROM geodata) AS d CROSS JOIN LATERAL (SELECT i,  (sublen * i)/len AS substart, (sublen * (i+1))/len AS subend
    FROM generate_series(0, floor(d.len/sublen)::integer) AS t(i) WHERE (sublen * i)/len <> 1.0) AS d2),
        rotate AS (SELECT id, ST_Rotate(ST_Collect(geom), -pi()/2, ST_LineInterpolatePoint(geom, 0.5)) geom FROM linecut GROUP BY id, geom)
        SELECT ST_Union(geom) geom FROM rotate;

Run for your geodata (the function action is tested for geodata located in a flat rectangular coordinate system).

SELECT ST_TransectsOnStraightLine(geom, 15) geom FROM <name_line_table>

As a result you should get a geo image with perpendicular transects of 15 meters long, as shown in the figure below.

enter image description here


Note: If necessary, crop them with the ST_Buffer function with the required size.

  1. The second function is capable of solving the problem with slight simplifications for complex convoluted linear objects.
    geom GEOMETRY,
    sl numeric)
    geodata AS (SELECT row_number() over() AS id, (ST_Dump($1)).geom geom),
    linecut AS (SELECT row_number() over() AS id, ST_LineSubstring(d.geom, substart, CASE WHEN subend > 1 THEN 1 ELSE subend END) geom FROM (SELECT id, geom, ST_Length(((geom)::geometry)) len, $2 sublen FROM geodata) AS d CROSS JOIN LATERAL (SELECT i,  (sublen * i)/len AS substart, (sublen * (i+1))/len AS subend
    FROM generate_series(0, floor(d.len/sublen)::integer) AS t(i) WHERE (sublen * i)/len <> 1.0) AS d2),
    rotate1 AS (SELECT id, ST_Rotate(ST_Collect(geom), -pi()/2, ST_LineInterpolatePoint(geom, 0.5)) geom FROM linecut GROUP BY id, geom),
    tr1 AS  (SELECT id,  ST_MakeLine(ST_StartPoint(geom), ST_EndPoint(geom)) geom FROM (SELECT id, (ST_Dump(geom)).geom geom FROM rotate1) foo),
    rotate2 AS (SELECT id, ST_Rotate(ST_Collect(geom), pi()/2, ST_LineInterpolatePoint(geom, 0.5)) geom FROM linecut GROUP BY id, geom),
    tr2 AS (SELECT id, ST_MakeLine(ST_StartPoint(geom), ST_EndPoint(geom)) geom FROM (SELECT id, (ST_Dump(geom)).geom geom FROM rotate2) foo),
    line_incoherence AS (SELECT a.id, ST_MakeLine(ST_StartPoint(a.geom), ST_EndPoint(b.geom)) geom FROM tr1 a JOIN tr2 b ON true AND a.id=b.id), 
    int_pnt AS (SELECT a.id, ST_ShortestLine(ST_LineInterpolatePoint(a.geom, 0.5), b.geom) geom FROM line_incoherence a JOIN linecut b ON a.id=b.id GROUP BY a.id, a.geom, b.geom ORDER BY id), 
    transectline AS (SELECT id, ST_Rotate(ST_Collect(geom), -pi(), ST_EndPoint(geom)) geom FROM int_pnt GROUP BY id, geom)
    SELECT ST_Union(geom) geom FROM (SELECT geom FROM int_pnt UNION SELECT geom FROM transectline) foo;


SELECT ST_TransectsOnCurveLine(geom, 15) geom FROM <name_line_table>

As a result you should get a geo image with perpendicular transects of 15 meters long, as shown in the figure below.

enter image description here


(-: CM-FOGS :-)

  • That's a clever solution. It might be nice to return the result as a MultiLineString. And allow supplying a length for the transects.
    – dr_jts
    Commented Jan 4 at 0:52
  • 1
    Using the centroid as the centre point of the rotated transect line is problematic, since the centroid may not lie on the linestring.
    – dr_jts
    Commented Jan 4 at 5:54

Here's another function to create transects, providing control over the transect length as well as the transect separation length

It operates as follows:

  • split the input line into sections of length secLen
  • for each section compute the transect angle and centre point of the section (the angle is Pi - azimuth(startPt, endPt))
  • compute the transect lines from two points offset from the centre point
    lineGeom geometry,
    secLen float,
    transectLen float)
    RETURNS geometry 
    LANGUAGE sql AS 
geodata AS (SELECT lineGeom, ST_Length(lineGeom) AS lineLen),
sections AS (SELECT ST_LineSubstring(lineGeom, secStart, CASE WHEN secEnd > 1 THEN 1 ELSE secEnd END) geom
    FROM geodata AS t
        (SELECT i * secLen/lineLen AS secStart, (i+1) * secLen/lineLen AS secEnd
            FROM generate_series(0, floor(lineLen / secLen)::integer) AS t(i) 
            WHERE (secLen * i)/lineLen <> 1.0) AS t2 ),
sectAnglePt AS (SELECT pi() - ST_Azimuth(ST_StartPoint(geom), ST_EndPoint(geom)) AS ang,
                  ST_LineInterpolatePoint(geom, 0.5) AS centre
                  FROM sections)
SELECT ST_Collect(ST_MakeLine(
                    ST_Point( ST_X(centre) - transectLen * cos(ang), 
                              ST_Y(centre) - transectLen * sin(ang)),
                    ST_Point( ST_X(centre) + transectLen * cos(ang), 
                              ST_Y(centre) + transectLen * sin(ang)) )) AS geom 
  FROM sectAnglePt;

Call it like:

SELECT ST_Transects( line, 0.01, 0.005);

enter image description here

  • I always like your solutions very much! But, it is always easier to criticize than to create :-).... 1) Geoinstrument will work only for LINESTRING type lines, as it is required by ST_LineSubstring function; 2) Transects are not always perpendicular to the curved line.... 3) I would specify the name of the geoinstrument, because, transects 1) can extend the line; 2) can be perpendicular; 3) can be inclined at a certain angle to the line; 4) can be built from geo-point(s).... Commented Jan 12 at 19:33
  • So you are suggesting calling this say ST_LineTransects? Makes sense to me.
    – dr_jts
    Commented Jan 12 at 21:05
  • Indeed, this function creates transects which are perpendicular to the line section. A transect may not be perpedicular to the single line segment it intersects (i.e. the one containing the centre point). If desired this behaviour could be provided by a slightly different implementation.
    – dr_jts
    Commented Jan 12 at 21:11

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