I have several sets of fields to populate based on other fields. The code below works, but I am wondering if there is a more Pythonic way to march through the i,j pairs? (Actual fieldnames are not this simple.)
i = ['FieldA1', 'FieldB1', 'FieldC1', 'FieldD1']
j = ['FieldA2', 'FieldB2', 'FieldC2', 'FieldD2']
if len(i) != len(j):
arcpy.AddMessage("Error - i & j are not the same length")
for n in range(len(i)):
fields = [i[n], j[n]]
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(mySHP, fields) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
val = row[0]
if float(val) == -999:
row[1] = -999
row[1] = float(val) / 100