I have to import a MultiPolygon in Google Earth Engine

and what I have is just this.

 {"type": "GeometryCollection", "geometries": [{"type": "MultiPolygon","coordinates": [[[[102.0, 2.0], [103.0, 2.0], [103.0, 3.0], [102.0, 3.0], [102.0, 2.0]]], [[[100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0], [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0]], [[100.2, 0.2], [100.8, 0.2], [100.8, 0.8], [100.2, 0.8], [100.2, 0.2]]]]}]}

I think this is of GeoJSON Format correct me if I am wrong.

Please explain how to import it as a MultiPolygon.

1 Answer 1


Simply add the coordinates as a MultiPolygon geometry.

var multipoly = ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon(
  [[[[102.0, 2.0], [103.0, 2.0], [103.0, 3.0], [102.0, 3.0], [102.0, 2.0]]], [[[100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0], [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0]], [[100.2, 0.2], [100.8, 0.2], [100.8, 0.8], [100.2, 0.8], [100.2, 0.2]]]]

  • How would you import this if the GeoJSON had mixed geometry types (e.g. points, polygons, etc) and wanted to add it to the Map.drawingTools().addLayer as a geometry layer?
    – l_r
    Commented Oct 20, 2021 at 19:07

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