I am a newbie here.

I am running ubuntu 12.04 64bit, and build after the instruction, but i don't know why can not launch qgis. Seem i successfully build $ install it.

below is the linux shell:

jack@jack:~/apps/bin$ sudo su
root@jack:/home/jack/apps/bin# qgis
The program 'qgis' can be found in the following packages:
 * qgis
 * qgis-plugin-grass
Try: apt-get install <selected package>
root@jack:/home/jack/apps/bin# ls
qbrowser  qgis  qgis_bench

3 Answers 3


The output from ls indicates that you have a executable file in current directory, it can be run by typing ./qgis.

When you run qgis, it is assumed that qgis is not in your $PATH.

add repo son source.list  
deb     http://qgis.org/debian precise main  
deb-src http://qgis.org/debian precise main


gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 997D3880  
gpg --export --armor 997D3880 | sudo apt-key add -

apt-get update

apt-get install qgis

According to qgis site if you want to install the latest release (recommended) :

  1. $ sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
  2. $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable
  3. $ sudo apt-get update
  4. $ sudo apt-get install qgis

If you're a newbie to the linux world you better avoid sudo as hell untill you know your way around.

If you've build qgis from source and you cant start it because it cant find its libraries follow the following:

Open the terminal and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /path/to/qgis/output/lib (ubuntu 12.04 doesn't use LD_LIBRARY_PATH by default, so it should be empty so you shouldn't be able to break anything - if you do just restart the shell), then start qgis by navigating to /path/to/qgis/output/bin and ./qgis

Here's a List with the steps.

  1. $ cd ~/path/to/output/bin
  2. $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH="~/path/to/output/lib"
  3. $ ./qgis

You can even create a script if you want:

  1. $ touch run_qgis.sh
  2. $ chmod +x run_qgis.sh
  3. enter in the first line #!/bin/bash
  4. insert the above steps from the previous list
  5. run the script! (./run_qgis.sh)

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