I'm trying to implement a 14-parameter Helmert transform to convert between terrestrial reference frames, and having difficulties with it.
I have successfully followed the example in ITRF to GDA94 coordinate transformations, Dawson & Woods, 2010 (Appendix A); d28rz98at9flks.cloudfront.net/71433/71433.pdf.
Using the coordinate in the sample:
[-4052052.36775,4212836.04113,-2545105.10906]([email protected])
I use the following to normalise transform parameters:
const T = { x: tx + ṫx*δt, y: ty + ṫy*δt, z: tz + ṫz*δt };
const R = { x: rx + ṙx*δt, y: ry + ṙy*δt, z: rz + ṙz*δt };
const S = 1 + s + ṡ*δt;
Reference epoch is 1994.0 giving δt=(2010.4559-1994)=16.4559; resulting transform parameters are
T: { x: -0.04270, y: -0.01706, z: 0.02881 }
R: { x: -1.17163e-7, y: -1.01576e-7, z: -1.03731e-7 }
S-1: 1.1474e-8
Which match those given in the sample (rotation is negated as “Australia assumes the rotations to be of the coordinate axes”).
Applying the transform as follows:
const x2 = T.x + x1*S - y1*R.z + z1*R.y;
const y2 = T.y + x1*R.z + y1*S - z1*R.x;
const z2 = T.z - x1*R.y + y1*R.x + z1*S;
I get
[-4052051.76142,4212836.19454,-2545106.01462]([email protected])
which matches (to within a mm) the sample transformation.
However, applying the same calculation to the Onsala observatory example from Proj.4 (github.com/OSGeo/proj.4/blob/2aaf53/test/gie/more_builtins.gie#L357), I don't get the correct result.
From coordinate:
[3370658.37800,711877.31400,5349787.08600]([email protected])
with a reference epoch of 1988.0 giving δt=29; resulting transform parameters are
T: { x: -0.00714, y: 0.00007, z: -0.00383 }
R: { x: -1.73563e-8, y: -2.28347e-8, z: 4.31484e-9 }
S-1: 2.2400e-9
I get
[3370658.25318,711877.42306,5349787.15877]([email protected])
as opposed to the correct
[3370658.18890,711877.42370,5349787.12430]([email protected])
which is wrong by [0.06428,-0.00064,0.03447]
The NOAA HTDP agrees with the Proj.4 result, to 3dp.
Could anyone help with what I'm doing wrong?
const T
? It could help identify the problem more precisely.