How can I split my polygon file into "segements"? The lines should be broken up like this picture shows:
2 Answers
In Grass,
can be used to convert polygons to lines. You can follow it up by v.split
to convert to line segments. The screens are from Qgis. Set max number of vertices to 2 in v.split as shown below.
Edit: The above method will not give you duplicates at d and f. If duplicate segments are required, you could probably replace the first step( with the Qgis Polygons to Lines tool(Vector -> Geometry tools -> Polygons to Lines).
Edit#2 - "Any number of Points in a segment" seems a little confusing. You can specify the maximun segment length, or maximum number of vertices to refine your needs in v.split
. But my gut feeling says that you only need
. See the output of only below. It gives 6 segments for the three counties from California.
Edit#3 In GRASS / only the tool is needed to do the job!
@Kurt - could you run on your county borders and check the results?– vinayanCommented Aug 25, 2012 at 11:47
I importet my map of european countries in grass and run, but it does not work for me. It simply "converts" the polygons to lines, but doesnt generate the segments I need. eg. austria is now one line– KurtCommented Aug 25, 2012 at 12:30
@Kurt - did you try followed by v.split? I think we have some understanding problem in defining what a segment is :) ..– vinayanCommented Aug 25, 2012 at 12:36
2tied it one more time , works now wel. thx for your kind support !!– KurtCommented Aug 25, 2012 at 13:24
I understand that you want to turn your polygons into individual line segments, and that your concern is that segments d & f will not be created as separate lines?
- You'll use the built-in
Vector | Geometry tools | Polygons to lines
to split the polygons into two separate polylines, creating a new feature; - Then you'll need the plugin 'Split Feature' to split the lines into individual segments - after install, select
Plugins | Split Feature
and select the feature created in step 1.
After running that procedure on two simple polygons, just as you show in your example, I ended up with 8 features, two of which are overlapping lines (corresponding to d & f); in the screenshot below, the 'id' refers to the original polygons, and each row is a separate line segment..
1your approach does the same in qgis what does the procedure vinayan suggested for grass. I end up with lots of segements with only 2 points. I will update my post with an picture to clarify– KurtCommented Aug 25, 2012 at 12:39