I had a layer of points of trajectory and I wanted to create a map of the average speed of the movement. I have a column of speed in the table of points. I created a big base raster coverage. Then, I used ST_PixelAsPolygons() to create a polygon of each pixel. Then, I calculated the average speed of points in each pixel. Finally, I used ST_AsRaster() to create a raster coverage of the speed map.
I used the following code (where passages is the point table and grid_pixel is the polygon of each pixel and sog(speed over ground) is the speed):
CREATE TABLE speed_map AS(
with speed_average AS (
SELECT g.id , AVG(p.sog) AS sog_avg
FROM grid_pixel g
INNER JOIN passages p
ON ST_Within(p.geom_point, g.geom)
speed_avg_geom AS (
SELECT g.id AS id, g.geom AS geom, sa.sog_avg
FROM speed_average sa
INNER JOIN grid_pixel g
ON g.id = sa.id)
SELECT id AS id , ST_AsRaster(geom, 1, 1, '8BUI', sog_avg) AS rast
FROM speed_avg_geom
Now, each small polygon of grid_pixel table is transfered to a raster tile (one row of raster table) and I have a very big table that has one pixel in each row. The map is still correct and I can see the correct raster in QGIS. However, I think it is better to have tiles of 100*100 pixels.
I wanted to retile the raster and I found ST_reTile() function but I do not know how to use it to retile the raster to 100*100 rows.
Or maybe even my method is totally wrong from the beginning where I created a polygon for each pixel. Can anyone please let me know what is the best way to create a raster of average speed of points.