I have 3 PostgreSQL tables with the following data:
tab1 => It contains about 5.7 millions of segments (straight lines)
tab2 => It contains 6673 polygons
tab3 => It contains 19620 polygons
Projected Coordinate System (British National Grid)
All 3 tables have a spatial index
I am trying to create a new table with all segments from tab1 that are less than 250 metres away from either tab2 or tab3. In order to do so I am running the following query:
CREATE TABLE public.final_def_sgm AS
SELECT tab1.segment_id, tab1.gb_def_id, tab1.def_id, tab1.geom
FROM public.flood_def_sgm_50m tab1, public.sop_polyg tab2, public.coastal_1000_polyg tab3
WHERE ST_DWithin(tab1.geom, tab2.geom, 250) OR ST_DWithin(tab1.geom, tab3.geom, 250);
I launched this query about 48 hours ago and it is still running. The problem is that I have no idea whether it will be running for two more days or for twenty more days (who knows).
I previously tried to do the same thing by creating 250m buffers around the polygons and tried to select those segments that intersected with the polygons (all in postgres). Very slow too.
Is it normal that it´s taking days to run the query? Is there any better way to do what I am trying to do?
"explain" throws the following information:
Gather (cost=3884.82..447434055344.37 rows=824566434 width=60)
Workers Planned:
-> Nested Loop (cost=2884.82..447351597700.97 rows=485039079 width=60)
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..6414604.08 rows=127287635 width=6444)
-> Parallel Seq Scan on sop_polyg tab2 (cost=0.00..1864.88 rows=6488 width=1435)
-> Seq Scan on coastal_1000_polyg tab3 (cost=0.00..792.20 rows=19620 width=5009)
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on flood_def_sgm_50m tab1 (cost=2884.82..3514.43 rows=1 width=60)
Recheck Cond: ((geom && st_expand(tab2.geom, '250'::double precision)) OR (geom && st_expand(tab3.geom, '250'::double precision)))
Filter: (((geom && st_expand(tab2.geom, '250'::double precision)) AND (tab2.geom && st_expand(geom, '250'::double precision)) AND _st_dwithin(geom, tab2.geom, '250'::double precision)) OR ((geom && st_expand(tab3.geom, '250'::double precision)) AND (tab3.geom && st_expand(geom, '250'::double precision)) AND _st_dwithin(geom, tab3.geom, '250'::double precision)))
-> BitmapOr (cost=2884.82..2884.82 rows=1143 width=0)
-> Bitmap Index Scan on flood_def_sgm_50m_geom_idx (cost=0.00..14.70 rows=572 width=0)
Index Cond: (geom && st_expand(tab2.geom, '250'::double precision))
-> Bitmap Index Scan on flood_def_sgm_50m_geom_idx (cost=0.00..12.19 rows=572 width=0)
Index Cond: (geom && st_expand(tab3.geom, '250'::double precision))
I have also tried to obtain the same information using a JOIN in the following way:
CREATE TABLE final_def_sgm AS
SELECT t1.segment_id , t2.coastal_1000_id , t3.sop_id
FROM public.flood_def_sgm_50m t1
LEFT JOIN public.coastal_1000_polyg t2
ON ST_DWithin(t1.geom, t2.geom, 250)
LEFT JOIN public.sop_polyg t3
ON ST_DWithin(t1.geom, t3.geom, 250)
Same thing. Query has been running for more than 48 hours now.
show on the query?JOIN
clause instead of listing out the tables inFROM
, because you're more likely to control polynomial expansion. TheOR
is extremely dangerous in your query -- you probably meant aRIGHT OUTER JOIN
to avoid the 7.46x10^14 permutations that would need to be evaluated.explain SELECT tab1.segment_id, tab1.gb_def_id, tab1.def_id, tab1.geom FROM public.flood_def_sgm_50m tab1, public.sop_polyg tab2, public.coastal_1000_polyg tab3 WHERE ST_DWithin(tab1.geom, tab2.geom, 250) OR ST_DWithin(tab1.geom, tab3.geom, 250);
and add the result to the question