I have a Sentinel-1 .SAFE data which provides a wealth of information through .tiff images and also .xml files containing annotation and calibration information.

Following the instructions in the related manual document, I know that there are four lookup tables (LUT) related to each image which provides necessary information for converting the radar reflectivity into physical units (sigma-naught, gamma-naught, beta-naught and DN). By opening the relative .xml files I can see these information.

I wonder if there is a GDAL method/function implemented for easy extraction of these information from the respective annotation/calibration .xml files?

1 Answer 1


I Think I found the answer to my question.

GDAL says : Currently the (SAR) driver does not apply calibration information.

  • Raster_calculator.py from GDAL should let you rescale and offset manually. You can probably write a command line script to read the xml and process the .SAFE file.
    – wingnut
    Commented Apr 26, 2021 at 23:24

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