I'm attempting to crop a raster with gdal warp using python bindings, the code works fine as I use it to crop a raster approximately 3k times, of which a couple fail with the following error and produce no outputs:

gdal warp cutline invalid

So following some online suggestions I added the following line of code:


which then changes the error I get to the following:

gdal Points of LinearRing do not form a closed linestring

So from this I can see that the polygons that I generated from a linestring then buffered using ogr aren't correct. I've then gone and extracted the geometry as a WkT so I can check them, I've included the full list at this URL: https://pastebin.com/d60L3nni .

Now I'm still stuck because the first and last point are at exactly the same coordinates:

-1406502.73228006 6411785.18363632


-1406502.73228006 6411785.18363632

Sure because the first and last points are on the same coordinates then it should be a valid polygon? I've tried passing this throught ArcMap Repair Geometry and it also passes the geometry.IsValid() check in ogr.

  • The geometry is valid but it is quite large. How do you pass it to GDAL? Could it be possible that the input gets truncated because of too long string?
    – user30184
    Commented Dec 3, 2019 at 15:43
  • It's a two step process, first the linestring is buffered into a polygon and saved to a shapefile, this shapefile is then passed directly to gdal warp.
    – Francis
    Commented Dec 3, 2019 at 16:25
  • I put your coordinates into WKT POLYGON, converted it into shapefile and used it as cutline for gdalwarp. gdalwarp test.tif out.tif -cutline cutline.shp. I did not get any errors. GDAL version is 3.0.2.
    – user30184
    Commented Dec 3, 2019 at 17:18
  • I've upgraded to 3.0.2 as well and I can confirm that has fixed it for me! If you want to add that as an answer I'd be happy to accept it. Unfortunately I have other issues with 3.0.2 and pyinstaller at the moment so I'll have to ask another question as well.
    – Francis
    Commented Dec 3, 2019 at 17:33

1 Answer 1


With GDAL 3.0.2 gdalwarp works for me with command

gdalwarp test.tif out.tif -cutline cutline.shp

where cutline.shp contains your polygon

POLYGON (( -1406502.73228006 6411785.18363632, -1406502.71096238 6411785.34556016, -1406464.54800294 6411991.25446327, -1406415.66090516 6412194.88388041, -1406356.18366518 6412395.6756775, -1406286.27930599 6412593.07949818, -1406206.13943057 6412786.5542723, -1406115.98369675 6412975.56969896, -1406016.05921514 6413159.6077, -1405906.63987178 6413338.16384006, -1405788.0255775 6413510.74870917, -1405725.47457797 6413592.26675885, -1405716.05921514 6413609.6077, -1405606.63987178 6413788.16384006, -1405488.0255775 6413960.74870917, -1405360.54144583 6414126.8892642, -1405224.53690191 6414286.13012544, -1405080.38472475 6414438.03482475, -1405050.38472475 6414468.03482475, -1404898.48002544 6414612.18700191, -1404739.2391642 6414748.19154583, -1404593.2459549 6414860.21607539, -1404538.48002544 6414912.18700191, -1404379.2391642 6415048.19154583, -1404213.09860917 6415175.6756775, -1404040.51374006 6415294.28997178, -1403861.9576 6415403.70931514, -1403837.68032092 6415416.89080218, -1403710.51374006 6415504.28997178, -1403531.9576 6415613.70931514, -1403347.91959896 6415713.63379675, -1403158.9041723 6415803.78953057, -1402965.42939818 6415883.92940599, -1402768.0255775 6415953.83376518, -1402567.23378041 6416013.31100516, -1402363.60436327 6416062.19810294, -1402157.69546016 6416100.36106238, -1401950.07145307 6416127.69528147, -1401741.30142497 6416144.12583902, -1401531.9576 6416149.6077, -1401322.61377503 6416144.12583902, -1401113.84374693 6416127.69528147, -1400906.21973984 6416100.36106238, -1400700.31083673 6416062.19810294, -1400496.68141959 6416013.31100516, -1400295.8896225 6415953.83376518, -1400098.48580182 6415883.92940599, -1399905.0110277 6415803.78953057, -1399715.99560104 6415713.63379675, -1399531.9576 6415613.70931514, -1399353.40145994 6415504.28997178, -1399180.81659083 6415385.6756775, -1399145.16776086 6415358.32136818, -1399040.99560104 6415308.63379675, -1398856.9576 6415208.70931514, -1398678.40145994 6415099.28997178, -1398505.81659083 6414980.6756775, -1398339.6760358 6414853.19154583, -1398180.43517456 6414717.18700191, -1398028.53047525 6414573.03482475, -1397884.37829809 6414421.13012544, -1397748.37375417 6414261.8892642, -1397620.8896225 6414095.74870917, -1397502.27532822 6413923.16384006, -1397392.85598486 6413744.6077, -1397292.93150325 6413560.56969896, -1397202.77576943 6413371.5542723, -1397122.63589401 6413178.07949818, -1397052.73153482 6412980.6756775, -1396993.25429484 6412779.88388041, -1396944.36719706 6412576.25446327, -1396906.20423762 6412370.34556016, -1396878.87001853 6412162.72155307, -1396862.43946098 6411953.95152497, -1396856.9576 6411744.6077, -1396862.43946098 6411535.26387503, -1396878.87001853 6411326.49384693, -1396906.20423762 6411118.86983984, -1396944.36719706 6410912.96093673, -1396993.25429484 6410709.33151959, -1397052.73153482 6410508.5397225, -1397122.63589401 6410311.13590182, -1397202.77576943 6410117.6611277, -1397292.93150325 6409928.64570104, -1397392.85598486 6409744.6077, -1397502.27532822 6409566.05155994, -1397620.8896225 6409393.46669083, -1397748.37375417 6409227.3261358, -1397884.37829809 6409068.08527456, -1398028.53047525 6408916.18057525, -1398073.53047525 6408871.18057525, -1398225.43517456 6408727.02839809, -1398384.6760358 6408591.02385417, -1398550.81659083 6408463.5397225, -1398723.40145994 6408344.92542822, -1398901.9576 6408235.50608486, -1399085.99560104 6408135.58160325, -1399275.0110277 6408045.42586943, -1399468.48580182 6407965.28599401, -1399665.8896225 6407895.38163482, -1399866.68141959 6407835.90439484, -1400070.31083673 6407787.01729706, -1400276.21973984 6407748.85433762, -1400381.68027296 6407734.97019504, -1400387.04106005 6407731.28582814, -1400565.59720012 6407621.86648479, -1400749.63520116 6407521.94200318, -1400938.65062782 6407431.78626937, -1401132.12540195 6407351.64639396, -1401329.52922263 6407281.74203478, -1401530.32101972 6407222.26479481, -1401733.95043686 6407173.37769704, -1401939.85933997 6407135.2147376, -1402147.48334707 6407107.88051851, -1402356.25337516 6407091.44996097, -1402565.59720014 6407085.9681, -1402774.94102511 6407091.44996099, -1402983.71105321 6407107.88051854, -1403191.3350603 6407135.21473764, -1403397.2439634 6407173.37769709, -1403600.87338054 6407222.26479488, -1403801.66517763 6407281.74203486, -1403999.06899831 6407351.64639406, -1404192.54377243 6407431.78626949, -1404381.55919908 6407521.94200331, -1404565.59720012 6407621.86648493, -1404744.15334017 6407731.28582829, -1404916.73820928 6407849.90012258, -1405082.87876431 6407977.38425426, -1405242.11962554 6408113.38879818, -1405394.02432484 6408257.54097535, -1405538.176502 6408409.44567467, -1405674.18104591 6408568.68653591, -1405801.66517758 6408734.82709094, -1405920.27947186 6408907.41196005, -1406029.69881521 6409085.96810012, -1406129.62329682 6409270.00610116, -1406219.77903063 6409459.02152782, -1406299.91890604 6409652.49630195, -1406369.82326522 6409849.90012263, -1406429.30050519 6410050.69191972, -1406478.18760296 6410254.32133686, -1406516.3505624 6410460.23023997, -1406543.68478149 6410667.85424707, -1406560.11533903 6410876.62427516, -1406565.5972 6411085.96810014, -1406560.11533901 6411295.31192511, -1406543.68478146 6411504.08195321, -1406516.35056236 6411711.7059603, -1406502.73228006 6411785.18363632 ))

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