I have a number of historical surveys that I have already digitized, georeferenced, and clipped using ArcMap 10.6.1. My office wants to try using QGIS but I am completely new to the software.
Both the georeferenced images and the clipped raster files load into ArcMap without any issues. But when I add one of the georeferenced surveys (both .tif and .jpg) as a raster layer into QGIS, it does not display correctly. The CRS for the layer is the same as the other layers in the project but it appears in a completely different area of the project.
Further, when I import the raster clips of the same georeferenced survey, they appear in the correct location. But I am only able to import the grey-scale version, not the multiband colour (and we need them to be in full colour).
Is there a way to import these georeferenced images and raster clips into QGIS without having to redo all the georeferencing work I have already done?