Would it be possible to calculate a density metric in height intervals as in FUSION or Lastools?
e.g number of all returns between 0.2 and 3 meters/number of total returns in 1 meters cell.
I'm trying to compute using the function of the package stdmetrics_z(z)
but I had an error with fast_table
myMetrics2 = function (z) {
n = length(z)
zmax = max(z)
zmean = mean(z)
if (zmax <= 0) {
d = rep(0, 9)
else {
breaks = seq(0.2, 25, 2.8)
d = findInterval(z, breaks)
d = fast_table(d, 10)
d = d/sum(d) * 100
d = cumsum(d)[1:9]
d = as.list(d)
names(d) = paste0("zpcum", 1:9)
metrics = c( d)
metric2=grid_metrics(ctgn.i, ~myMetrics2(z, res=1)
#> Processing [=========================================] 100% (1/1) eta: 0s
#> Error: could not find function "fast_table"
is an internal function of the lidR package. You took the source code of the package and put it in the your global environment. You cannot expect this to work.