Well, it is more complicated than that.
Can you read a CHM from ASCII file? Yes, but this is related to the raster
package not to lidR
. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20177581/reading-an-asc-file-into-r
Can you segment trees from a raster in lidR
? Yes some algorithm are raster-based. This is not the case of li2012
you mentioned that is point-cloud based. For example the documentation of the dalpon2016
method states:
Because this algorithm works on a CHM only there is no actual need for a point cloud. Sometimes the user does not even have the point cloud that generated the CHM. lidR
is a point cloud-oriented library, which is why this algorithm must be used in segment_trees
to merge the result with the point cloud. However the user can use this as a stand-alone function like this:
chm = raster("file/to/a/chm/")
ttops = find_trees(chm, lmf(3))
crowns = dalponte2016(chm, ttops)()
Can you run raster-based method in parallel? Not natively with lidR
. lidR
is designed to process collections of las/laz
files and has tools to do that in parallel. In your case you are asking for processing a collection of rasters and lidR
is not designed for raster processing. At this stage you must get your hand dirty and use the available tool given in the R's ecosystem. If you have question you can ask specific questions with the appropriated tags.
Can you run the algorithm of rLiDAR
with lidR
? Yes. The algorithm silva2016
is the same than the one implemented in rLiDAR
. The doc states:
It implements an algorithm for tree segmentation based on the Silva et al. (2016) article (see reference). This is a simple method based on seed + voronoi tesselation. This algorithm is implemented in the package rLiDAR. This version is not the version from rLiDAR. It is code written from the original article by the lidR authors and is considerably (between 250 and 1000 times) faster.
If the algorithm from rLiDAR
satisfies you, you can use the 250 to 1000 times faster version implemented in lidR
this is much faster than what you will ever achieve with parallelization.