I have a conceptual question. I have lat-long points which I have used to extract environmental variables from. My coordinates are in WGS1984. For most of the variables, I converted the environmental data into WGS1984 before extracting the data into a matrix/vector (Lat, Long + env variables).
For a few of the variables though, I increased efficiency by converting both my lat-long points and the environmental data into a planar coordinate system. Once I extracted the value for such environmental covariate, I added the values back to this data matrix.
I ran a regression on this data and now that I'm displaying the end result, I'm unsure whether it would be proper to label my data as WGS1984. I was planning on creating a raster out of this XYZ matrix and I have to list a projection in R. Would I have to retransform the extracted data in the planar projected data back in WGS1984 before I can add it into the data matrix? If I understand correctly, these are the environmental values that would correspond to data for the lat-long in either WGS or planar?