I am trying to display a delimited text layer from a .csv (utf-8) in QGIS 3.10. I have done the same thing successfully in ArcMap 10.7.1 with no problem, but when I add the delimited text layer in QGIS over 700 of the 1900+ data points do not show up.
I tried to resolve this by creating a shapefile in ArcMap and bringing that into QGIS, but exact same problem occurred. When I open the attribute table in QGIS the data is all there, it simply isn't being displayed. I am posting some images. The first on is the result in ArcMap, then QGIS and then I selected the missing data in ArcMap so you can get a glimpse of what the data look like.
The data were collected using WGS_1984 and the Maine/NH towns is projected in NAD83_StatePlane for NH in Feet.
Is it a CRS issue?
Are the data in the .csv messed up?
If so, why does it work in ArcMap and not QGIS?
Here is the text of the data the first line of data show up fine, the second does not show up.
id,username,lat,lng,hotspot,observed,country,county,state,municipality,postcode,observation_notes,Sample Number,Sample Location,Was the sample filtered?,Type of Filtration System,Water filtration description,Beryllium (Be) (ug/L),Chromium (Cr) (ug/L),Manganese (Mn) (ug/L),Iron (Fe) (ug/L),Nickel (Ni) (ug/L),Copper (Cu) (ug/L),Arsenic (As) (ug/L),Selenium (Se) (ug/L),Cadmium (Cd) (ug/L),Antimony (Sb) (ug/L),Barium (Ba) (ug/L),Thallium (Tl) (ug/L),Lead (Pb) (ug/L),Uranium (U) (ug/L),Lab data entered on,SEPA School Name,City,State,ZIP code,Well Type,Previous arsenic test,Year,Do you treat your water?,Image 1
103070,anonymous,43.181041,-71.999461,,2019-12-09 23:35:00+0000,United States of America,Merrimack County,New Hampshire,Bradford,3221,,2019-1259,Kitchen,No,No filter,,0,0,1.41,9.3,0.64,487.15,0.06,0.11,0.07,0.08,19.55,0,5.73,0.01,1/23/2020,Kearsarge High School,Bradford,New Hampshire,3221,I don't know,No,2019,,
102564,anonymous,44.821972,-67.20856,,2019-11-23 21:00:00+0000,United States of America,Washington County,Maine,Whiting,4691,,2019-815,Other,No,No filter,,0,0.3,1.64,8.13,0.03,0.18,0.67,0.05,0,0.03,3.11,0,0.02,0.04,12/20/2019,Machias Memorial High School,Whiting,Maine,4691,Dug well,No,2019,,