I am exporting a single image and a collection of Landsat raw images from Google Earth Engine using Python, but all my images are in black and white. Should they be like that? Isn't there a way of getting coloured Landsat images. I am very new. Below is my code:
# Import libraries.
import ee
import webbrowser
# Trigger the authentication flow.
# ee.Authenticate()
# Initialize the library.
# Access a collection
collection = 'LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1' #Landsat 8 Collection
#Landsat_composite in Nithi area
area_nithi = list([(37.288, 0.172), (38.333, 0.172), (38.333, -0.568), (37.288, -0.568), (37.288, 0.172)])
area_nithi = ee.Geometry.Polygon(area_nithi)
time_range_nithi = ['2017-01-01', '2017-12-31']
collection_nithi = ('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1')
#Methods from climada.util.earth_engine module
def obtain_image_landsat_composite(collection, time_range, area):
""" Selection of Landsat cloud-free composites in the Earth Engine library
See also: https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/landsat
collection (): name of the collection
time_range (['YYYY-MT-DY','YYYY-MT-DY']): must be inside the available data
area (ee.geometry.Geometry): area of interest
image_composite (ee.image.Image)
collection = ee.ImageCollection(collection)
## Filter by time range and location
collection_time = collection.filterDate(time_range[0], time_range[1])
image_area = collection_time.filterBounds(area)
image_composite = ee.Algorithms.Landsat.simpleComposite(image_area, 75, 3)
return image_composite
#Application to examples
composite_nithi = obtain_image_landsat_composite(collection_nithi, time_range_nithi, area_nithi)
#Selection of specific bands from an image
nithi_band = composite_nithi.select(['B4', 'B3', 'B2'])
nithi_bandVis = {
min: 0.0,
max: 30000.0,
def get_region(geom):
"""Get the region of a given geometry, needed for exporting tasks.
geom (ee.Geometry, ee.Feature, ee.Image): region of interest
region (list)
if isinstance(geom, ee.Geometry):
region = geom.getInfo()["coordinates"]
elif isinstance(geom, ee.Feature, ee.Image):
region = geom.geometry().getInfo()["coordinates"]
elif isinstance(geom, list):
condition = all([isinstance(item) == list for item in geom])
if condition:
region = geom
return region
region_nithi = get_region(area_nithi)
def get_url(name, image, imageVis, scale, region):
"""It will open and download automatically a zip folder containing Geotiff data of 'image'.
If additional parameters are needed, see also:
name (str): name of the created folder
image (ee.image.Image): image to export
scale (int): resolution of export in meters (e.g: 30 for Landsat)
region (list): region of interest
path (str)
path = image.getDownloadURL({
'scale': scale,
return path
#url_nithi = get_url('nithi', median_swiss, 900, region_swiss)
url_nithi = get_url('nithi0.1', composite_nithi, 900, region_nithi)
#url_landcover = get_url('landcover_swiss', landCover_layer, 100, region_swiss)
#For the example of nithi, due to size, it doesn't work on Jupyter Notebook but it works on Python
url_nithi2 = get_url('nithi0.2', nithi_band, nithi_bandVis, 1000, region_nithi)