I'm calculating a Producer's accuracy in Google Earth Engine and I can't export it as a table or CSV to do the rest of my work in Python.

Is there any way to export it?

I already tried export.table.toDrive but it doesn't work! here is my code:

  collection: (ee.Element(confusionMatrix98_99.producersAccuracy())),
  description: 'Producers_accuracy400_99',
  folder: 'earthengine',
  fileFormat: 'CSV'
  • 2
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1 Answer 1


The collection property must be a feature collection. Just add your producer accuracy as a property in a feature in a feature collection, then export. va

r producersAccuracy = confusionMatrix98_99.producersAccuracy()
  collection: ee.FeatureCollection(ee.Feature(null, {producersAccuracy: producersAccuracy})),
  description: 'Producers_accuracy400_99',
  folder: 'earthengine',
  fileFormat: 'CSV',
  selectors: ['producersAccuracy']



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