I have a dataset that includes populations and subpopulations, so for each main population there may be several subpopulations. I have organised this in the table so that a population has the same code, and then in a separate column if it is a subpopulation then it has been given a letter 'a, b, c, d, etc' with the 'main' populations all having a blank cell under the subpopulation column.
For example:
In the above dataset, row no. 1 is the main population and has the accompanying subpop code column is blank/null and it has 8 subpopulations (a-h).
Is there some way, some expression I can use, under symbology to give all 'main populations' i.e. those with a NULL subpopulation code a particular symbol and all those populations where the subpopulation code column is NOT NULL another symbol?
I have many different species, so ideally I would like the main population for each species to be a different colour, but a larger point dot. And all the subpopulations for each species to have the same colour as the main population but be a smaller dot.
So essentially showing something that looks like the above map. I just used filters to get this result and created a duplicate layer so that I could set the symbology differently for each.
I am still learning QGIS and know the basics, but just starting to get my head around using more advanced features.