I want to update the text information contained in my database for a specific layer. This layer is called via a WFS stream.
At first I displayed my layer with an Overlay with OpenLayers, and with a php script I want to update one of the data only according to the unique identifier of the object selected by the user.
To modify the data I created a text html object and a "submit" button
The html text object adds a new variable "maj_infos" which takes the value given by the user. And it uses the variable "feature-id" created by the Overlay which is displayed in text in the table.
I put you all the parts of my script:
<div class="bloc3">
<h3>Informations Signalétique</h3>
<div class="overlay-container" >
<tr class="tr1">
<td> Id
<td> Code Insee
<td> Année
<td> Sentier
<td> Infos
<td id="feature-id">
<td id="feature-insee">
<td id="feature-annee">
<td id="feature-sentier">
<td id="feature-infos">
<h3>Modifier les informations de l'objet "Signalétique"</h3>
<form method=POST >
<input class="commentaire" type="text" id="maj_infos" name="maj_infos" required maxlength='140'/><br>
<input type="submit" value="Envoyer" />
<input type="hidden" id="feature-id" />
$dbconn = pg_connect("host=localhost dbname=xxxx user=xxxx password=xxxx")
or die('Connexion impossible : ' . pg_last_error());
if (isset ($_POST['maj_infos']) && isset ($_GET['feature-id'])){
$sql='UPDATE signaletique SET infos="'.$_POST['maj_infos'].'"WHERE id="'.$_GET['feature-id'].'"';
pg_query ($sql) or die ('Erreur SQL'.$sql.pg_error());
echo 'Mise à jour des informations:'($_POST['maj_infos']);
else {
echo 'Les variables ne sont pas déclarées';
I also put a capture of the rendering.
I want the added information to update in the info column of my database. And since it is a WFS feed, my table contained on the page will also update.
I don't know php but unfortunately I have to use it. I don't understand where my error is in the php script. When I launch "submit" nothing happens no error message appears. Whereas until now there were.