I have been able to load rasters into my PostGIS database using the raster2pgsql tool and running it via the OSGeo4W shell. Files load where I want them to but appear in the database as one line files rather than sets of rows containing the pixel values that I want to be able to access. This a DTM raster and does appear to be of a format that is acceptable to PostGIS
raster2pgsql -s 27700 -C D://TEST_RUBBISH/terrain-5-dtm_3568783/nz/NZ25NE.asc staging.nz25ne|psql -h localhost -U postgres -p 5433 -d Init_Study_Areas_from10
Additionally, these rasters will not display in QGIS whether I drag them in directly or via the PostGIS database
Can anyone suggest where I am going wrong?