Starting with your raster stack s
> s
class : RasterStack
dimensions : 15, 10, 150, 6 (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
I'll show how to fit and predict in various ways. I'm going to try to spell out every stage and use data structures that make it clear what's going on - some of these steps can be made quicker in various ways but I'm aiming for clarity here.
First convert your stack to a data frame and then to a matrix.
> sdata = as.matrix(
> head(sdata)
Month1 Month2 Month3 Month4 Month5 Month6
[1,] 4.78886285 6.410771 2.6266950 1.0362426 -0.06340309 5.734149
[2,] 0.02129992 -1.934262 7.4002338 6.1854661 6.94293798 9.440994
[3,] 4.98939779 1.710425 5.0217860 1.3459453 6.34638268 6.260438
[4,] 4.81728796 9.109160 8.8692758 -0.6153243 8.07890647 5.114985
[5,] 2.24392430 4.671879 2.1928770 1.0833196 8.22493467 7.536999
[6,] -3.61985013 1.243451 -0.7336546 -1.1544086 6.37492884 6.849941
Next make a similar matrix containing the time points for each element in that matrix:
> t = matrix(1:ncol(sdata), nrow=nrow(sdata), ncol=ncol(sdata), byrow=TRUE)
> head(t)
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,] 1 2 3 4 5 6
[2,] 1 2 3 4 5 6
[3,] 1 2 3 4 5 6
[4,] 1 2 3 4 5 6
[5,] 1 2 3 4 5 6
[6,] 1 2 3 4 5 6
and then make another similar matrix containing the cell number:
> cell = matrix(1:nrow(sdata), nrow=nrow(sdata), ncol=ncol(sdata))
> head(cell)
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
[1,] 1 1 1 1 1 1
[2,] 2 2 2 2 2 2
[3,] 3 3 3 3 3 3
[4,] 4 4 4 4 4 4
[5,] 5 5 5 5 5 5
[6,] 6 6 6 6 6 6
Now make a full data frame with one row per measurement. The cell number isn't really numeric data, so we'll convert it to a factor by adding "C" to the cell number. (I'm also using a sprintf
string so there's enough zeroes to keep the sort order, otherwise C100
appears before C2
and that messes up the order when packing it back into the raster)
> d = data.frame(Month=c(sdata), t=c(t), cell=factor(sprintf("C%04d",c(cell))))
> head(d)
Month t cell
1 4.78886285 1 C0001
2 0.02129992 1 C0002
3 4.98939779 1 C0003
4 4.81728796 1 C0004
5 2.24392430 1 C0005
6 -3.61985013 1 C0006
Now I can fit 150 models by splitting the data frame on cell
and using lapply
to get a list of 150 models:
> m150 = lapply(split(d,d$cell),function(s){lm(Month~t, data=s)})
Here's the 56th:
> m150[[56]]
lm(formula = Month ~ t, data = s)
(Intercept) t
4.40613 -0.04868
Then you can use sapply
to predict over those 150 models for month 8:
> sapply(m150, function(m){predict(m, newdata=data.frame(t=8))})
C0001.1 C0002.1 C0003.1 C0004.1 C0005.1 C0006.1 C0007.1
1.3282355 13.9995073 6.4117065 4.4702597 8.9561532 10.1491687 12.5426525
C0008.1 C0009.1 C0010.1 C0011.1 C0012.1 C0013.1 C0014.1
8.1974870 9.7911019 1.7776975 3.9731137 11.5130154 12.4518928 8.6699895
and that is a vector you can plug into a new raster (here r
is your r
> p8 = sapply(m150, function(m){predict(m, newdata=data.frame(t=8))})
> rp8 = setValues(r, p8)
> plot(rp8)
Now that is 150 totally independent models. If you really believe your pixels are all independent, (and this can be tested with plots and diagnostics) then that's that done.
If you think the pixels all have the same slope in time and the same variance about the mean, but with different levels (intercepts), you can do it in a single model with:
> mOffset = lm(Month~t+cell-1,data=d)
which gives:
> mOffset
lm(formula = Month ~ t + cell - 1, data = d)
t cellC0001 cellC0002 cellC0003 cellC0004 cellC0005 cellC0006
0.994784 -0.059526 1.194366 0.797317 2.413970 0.843910 -1.988344
cellC0007 cellC0008 cellC0009 cellC0010 cellC0011 cellC0012 cellC0013
-0.166818 -0.327839 0.466276 0.116303 -0.671000 -0.186959 0.775498
cellC0014 cellC0015 cellC0016 cellC0017 cellC0018 cellC0019 cellC0020
1.258440 0.479706 1.774456 -0.095878 -1.591700 0.190463 -1.819975
Now all models have the same slope (the t
coefficient) but and so are parallel lines but start at different heights given by the individual cell coefficients. A predict
with the cell factors and t=8
will work with these coefficients.
If you want each pixel to have its own level (intercept) and slope, then fit interaction terms:
> mFree = lm(Month~t*cell-1,data=d)
This model has lots of coefficients:
> mFree
lm(formula = Month ~ t * cell - 1, data = d)
t cellC0001 cellC0002 cellC0003 cellC0004 cellC0005
-0.465330 5.050874 -2.575418 2.620339 7.004403 0.724158
those are the overall slope (t
) and the individual intercepts. Then...
t:cellC0002 t:cellC0003 t:cellC0004 t:cellC0005 t:cellC0006
2.537196 0.939251 0.148562 1.494329 2.388834
Those are the gradients (slopes) for each cell's fit. There's not one for cellC0001
because (I think) it has the t
coefficient slope and all the other are relative to it. Anyway, you can again predict with cell values and t=8
and get a prediction over the raster.
The only difference between that model and 150 independent models is (I think) that the one model assumes the variance is the same across all pixels, but the 150 models will have 150 separate variances.
But all this independence is probably clearly untrue when you plot your data - there's likely to be correlations in space and time, so you need a method that considers both in order to use the correlations to your advantage. The first thing you should probably investigate is space-time kriging. I would only use these independent models to compare with a method like kriging in order to show the improvements made and the mistakes that not considering spatial and temporal correlation can bring.
in your second block of code? Your first model predicts Month6 as a linear combination of the other months, so there's no way it can predict Month8 - the model is actually independent of the ordering of the months. It looks like you are trying to do that in your second model, ie fit Month as a linear function of time from 1 to 6 for each pixel? That would be 150 different linear models?