I have recently exported a model to a python script that is actually dependant on another Python Script I have converted from a previous model. Because the First Script/model F1 gets repeated three times (for all three vector types) and writing it three times is a hassle so I had to separate my completed model into two. But because of that I have a bit of trouble to convert these two scripts combined into 1 plug-in. Every tutorial I found spoke so far that of only one model to one script to one plug-in. But never have I found something like of where I convert two scripts, where the second script is dependant on the first script.
1 Answer
To add 2 or more scripts (i.e. algorithms) you need to add the new module (i.e. algorithm_name_algorithm.py file) into your plugin directory and then reference it in the provider module (i.e. plugin_name_provider.py).
First you tell the provider module to access the new algorithm from a different module by entering a line such as this at the top of you script:
from .new_algorithm import NewAlgorithm
Here .new_algorithm would be the same as the file name (i.e. new_algorithm.py) and NewAlgorithm would be the name of the class inside that file.
Next go down to the loadAlgorithms function (i.e. def loadAlgorithms(self)) and add the line:
That's it. As long as all the names match up between the 2 files you should now have 2 algorithms in your plug-in.
An alternative, If you want to do as little coding as possible is to add the models directly to your plugin without converting them to scripts.
First copy all the model files (*.model3) to your plug-in directory.
Second open the provider module (plugin_name_provider.py) and add the following 2 lines to the top:
import os
from qgis.core import QgsProcessingModelAlgorithm
Lastly, go down to you loadAlgorithms function and add the following lines:
for dirpath, dirnames, files in os.walk(os.path.dirname(__file__)):
for file_name in files:
if file_name.lower().endswith('.model3'):
alg = QgsProcessingModelAlgorithm()
alg.fromFile(os.path.join(dirpath, file_name))
This bit of code will cycle through your plug-in directory and any subdirectories and add all models that you have placed in there to your plug-in.