So I have my table named ppb_curp with the following columns

ogc_fid | name | description | wkb_geometry |curp | zip_code

Then I insert the KML file in my PostGis base with ogr2ogr

ogr2ogr  -f PostgreSQL PG:"host= dbname=postgis_24_sample port=5432 user=postgres password=123456"   C:\xampp\htdocs\siap-padron\public\uploads/2044492/polygon/1597861175.kml  -nln  ppb_curp  2>&1

but just insert data into column ogc_fid and wkb_geometry.

i am using php as language, the values ​​of name, description, curp,zip_code I have them in a variable:

$name = "My kml file";
$description = "My kml file description";
$curp = "2JJIDEIEIEI";
$zip_code = "89790";

My question is how do I insert these fields with Ogr2ogr?

The command line with ogr2ogr is:

ogr2ogr  -f PostgreSQL PG:"host= dbname=postgis_24_sample port=5432 user=postgres password=123456"   C:\xampp\htdocs\siap-padron\public\uploads/2044492/kml/1597889056.kml  -nln  ppb_curp  -dialect sqlite  -sql "SELECT ogc_fid, 'My kml file' as name FROM 'ppb_curp'" 2>&1

but it gives me the following error:

ERROR 1: In ExecuteSQL(): sqlite3_prepare_v2(SELECT ogc_fid, 'Hello Ogr2ogr' as name FROM 'ppb_curp'): no such table: ppb_curp
  • 1
    So you execute ogr2ogr from within PHP, meaning that you prepare the shell script as string? If so, you could use sth. like ogr2ogr <other_options> -dialect sqlite -sql 'SELECT ogc_fid, <name> AS name, <desc> AS description, <curp> AS curp, <zip> AS zip_code, GEOMETRY AS wkb_geometry FROM <layer_name>;' where you pass in string literals from your vars.
    – geozelot
    Commented Aug 20, 2020 at 8:50
  • Exact, the string I generate from php @geozelot update my question with the string I generate with your answer. output; ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"host= dbname=postgis_24_sample port=5432 user=postgres password=123456" C:\xampp\htdocs\siap-padron\public\uploads/2044492/polygon/1597861175.kml -nln ppb_curp -dialect sqlite -sql "SELECT ogc_fid, 'My kml file ' as name FROM 'ppb_curp'" 2>&1 , but how do I get the value of layer_name ?
    – Eze
    Commented Aug 20, 2020 at 15:45
  • <layer_name> is refering to the input file! Try with the name of the KML file you import from, i.e. ... FROM "1597889056";.
    – geozelot
    Commented Aug 20, 2020 at 19:17
  • @geozelot I have changed my command line but I still get no such table: 1597889056, with ogrinfo -al -so 1597889056.kml return Layer name: LOBR640610MZSNTB09 Geometry:Unknown (any) Feature Count: 1, is there a way to get layer_name from ogr2ogr or change the value ?
    – Eze
    Commented Aug 20, 2020 at 19:31


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