In the description of TROPOMI NO2/HCHO data, the spatial resolution is 0.01 arc degree [see following(1)], however the Image Properties says the spatial resolution is 3.5×7.5 km² [see following(2)]. Also, I print the properties of this data and the spatial resolution is 3.5×7.5 km² [see following(3)].

My question is what the spatial resolution of TROPOMI NO2/HCHO data?

  1. The Sentinel-5 Precursor mission instrument collects data useful for assessing air quality. The TROPOMI instrument is a multispectral sensor that records reflectance of wavelengths important for measuring atmospheric concentrations of ozone, methane, formaldehyde, aerosol, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, and sulphur dioxide, as well as cloud characteristics at a spatial resolution of 0.01 arc degrees.

  2. SPATIAL_RESOLUTION STRING: Spatial resolution at nadir. For most products this is 3.5x7km2, except for L2__O3__PR, which uses 28x21km2, and L2__CO____ and L2__CH4___, which both use 7x7km2. This attribute originates from the CCI standard.

  3. PRODUCT_ID:  S5P_OFFL_L2__NO2____20191231T011147_20191231T025317_11473_01_010302_20200101T180133  
    SPATIAL_RESOLUTION: 7x3.5km2  
    STATUS_CTMFCT: Nominal  
    STATUS_MET_2D: Nominal

1 Answer 1


The pixel size when running harp to produce L3 data is set to be 0.01 degrees (~ 1km), which is intentionally a bit finer than the expected data resolution of 3.5×7.5 km².

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