I want to change the units of small raster files from degrees to meters using R. Is there any way to do this without projecting and hence altering the extent and shape of the rasters in the process? Or is there a projection that doesn't distort small areas at all?
I am aware that projections always distort the area of interest to some degree and that this is their desired property. However, my rasters are very small (less than 10x10 km) and have a very coarse resolution (ca. 300x300 pixels), and hence I would prefer to simply change my unit of measurement from degree to meters without altering the raster at all (and just accept that this causes some minor geographic inaccuracies)
I've tried both using the appropriate UTM zone or a Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection centered on my raster, but both projections slightly change the extent of the raster.