In QGIS I am attempting to calculate the suitable area based on two reclassified layers (Raster tools -> Reclassify by range
) that have been overlaid with SAGA -> Raster calculus -> Product
. Each layer is for one species, and I am trying to find the overlap area of suitable habitat. I am using binary values for suitability: 0
for unsuitable, 1
for suitable.
So, in the reclassification, each layer has only those two values. In the product, then, suitable habitat for both species (what I'm looking for) will have a product of 1
, and all other values will have a product of 0
I am looking for a way to calculate and be able to extract only the total area of overlap where the product is 1
. How can I achieve that?
Processing/Raster Analysis/Raster Layer Unique Values Report
does what you need.