i have a shapefile of country subdivisions and i would like to extract an array of bounding lat and lon for each division.. is it possible to do?
Please clarify: do you have a shapefile or an Excel file?– whuberCommented Nov 24, 2010 at 15:08
1The title doesn't really reflect your question, please think about editing it.– DavidFCommented Nov 24, 2010 at 15:21
i have a shapefile– mossplixCommented Nov 24, 2010 at 15:43
5 Answers
Using the ogr Python module from OSGEO, this example will give you a tuple containing the coords that define an envelope for each feature.
from osgeo import ogr
ds = ogr.Open("mn_counties.shp")
lyr = ds.GetLayerByName("mn_counties")
for feat in lyr:
# get bounding coords in minx, maxx, miny, maxy format
env = feat.GetGeometryRef().GetEnvelope()
# get bounding coords in minx, miny, maxx, maxy format
bbox = [env[0], env[2], env[1], env[3]]
print env
print bbox
One possible way to proceed using SAGA GIS http://www.saga-gis.org After opening your shapefile run these 3 modules: 1. Modules\Shapes\Tools\Get Shapes extent
Modules\Shapes\Tools\Points\Points from lines [contrary to what the name suggest you can also use this to get points from a polygon]
Modules\Shapes\Tools\Points\Add Coordinates to points This will give you a table which contains the x and y coordinates of the 4 corners of the bounding box of your polygon file.
In arcgis, here's python code. result is a list of minx, miny, maxx, maxy, minM, maxM, minZ, maxZ (
import arcpy
for feat in arcpy.SearchCursor(r"c:\data\f.gdb\counties"):
print feat.Shape.extent
-2.66852727251546 49.4265363633626 -2.52848181818121 49.5079454546192 NaN NaN NaN NaN
-10.463336363782 51.4455454544593 -6.01305454583045 55.3799909091533 NaN NaN NaN NaN
-4.77778181827614 54.0555454544593 -4.35347272688468 54.4100000000002 NaN NaN NaN NaN
Here's an R version, using example data from the rgdal package:
dsn <- system.file("vectors/ps_cant_31.MIF", package = "rgdal")[1]
d <- readOGR(dsn = dsn, layer="ps_cant_31")
## transform if this is not longlat
if (is.projected(d)) d <- spTransform(d, CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84"))
for (i in 1:nrow(d)) {
I use fiona and shapely for that kind of tasks:
import fiona
from shapely.geometry import shape
with fiona.open(r'd:\Projects\_00_Data\_USstates\fe_2007_us_state00.shp', 'r') as features:
for i, feat in enumerate(features):
geom = shape(feat['geometry'])
name = feat['properties']['NAME00']
print ','.join((name,) + tuple([str(i) for i in geom.bounds]))
The output looks like this, those are the lat/lon coordinates: -124.72583900000001,45.544321,-116.915989,49.002494 -82.626182,37.202467,-77.71951899999999,40.638801 -111.056888,40.996345999999996,-104.052287,45.005904 -67.955811,17.913769,-65.22156799999999,18.511706– MatejCommented Jan 20, 2019 at 2:36