I have written a short script to trace a geometric network representing rivers and creeks upstream from a number (10000~) of road intersections that are potential blockers to migrating fish. What we want to do is to evaluate where restorative measures would be most effective in terms of opening up longer stretches of water. My problem is that the script runs out of memory and crashes after 1500~ iterations.
The script basically selects the first junction in the network, traces upstream from there, adds the length of the resulting selected lines through another for loop, sums these up and updates the length field in the cursor, before it iterates to the next junction. Never mind the other fields in the row, in the end the script is supposed to calculate a bunch of other things for each junction too.
I haven´t had this issue before, even with loops of similar style involving far more iterations, which makes me wonder if there´s something particularly ineffective with how it´s written. The script looks like this:
import arcpy as ap
ap.env.workspace = r"X:/8853_Vandringshinder_trafikverket/ArbetsGIS/arbetsfiler/Geometric_final.gdb/"
punkter = r"X:/8853_Vandringshinder_trafikverket/ArbetsGIS/arbetsfiler/Geometric_final.gdb/Geometric_final/Vag_vandringshinder_final"
linjer = r"X:/8853_Vandringshinder_trafikverket/ArbetsGIS/arbetsfiler/Geometric_final.gdb/Geometric_final/Geometric_final_Net"
fields = ('OBJECTID', 'E_Langd_NED', 'E_Langd_UPP', 'E_Tot_hinder', 'E_tot_artfynd')
arter = r"X:/8853_Vandringshinder_trafikverket/Inkommet_material/20201204_Artobservationer_Analysportalen/SpeciesObservations-2020-12-04-10-49-02/Observations.shp"
cursor = ap.da.UpdateCursor(punkter, fields)
count = 1
for row in cursor:
query1 = "OBJECTID ="+ str(row[0])
ap.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(punkter, "NEW_SELECTION", query1)
linjer_trace = ap.TraceGeometricNetwork_management(linjer, "linjer_trace", punkter, "TRACE_UPSTREAM")
Tot_langd_upp = []
rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(linjer_trace)
for rowdy in rows:
langd = rowdy.getValue("Length")
row[2] = sum(Tot_langd_upp)
print("Row "+str(count)+" out of 10027")
Any thoughts on this?
I'm fairly new to python, and only do kind of basic this like this. I´ve also noticed I need to be in edit mode to run the script, which I don´t think I´ve experienced before. And - the script is run in the python console in ArcMap 10.8.3
function object around,ap.TraceGeometricNetwork_management
doesn't return a value. Don't assign it to a variable so it can be GC right after completion if needed. Unless there is a need to, don't store each feature's length in a list, just sum it immediately upon retrieving it from the cursor, it will save memory and be substantially faster. You have to be in edit mode because you are using the UpdateCursor.ap.TraceGeometricNetwork_management
outputs. Your output layer is probably something named "linjer12\\Geometric_final_Net", find it by <Map>.listLayers(). I read your current usage as summing all lengths inlinjer
like you probably are wanting.