I am using a popup on my mapView
from arcGIS API for Javascript 4.17. When the user opens the popup, I have set the following attributes:
// Set the popup's title to the coordinates of the clicked location
title: "Location Coordinates: [" + lon + ", " + lat + "]",
location: event.mapPoint, // Set the location of the popup to the clicked location
content: setContentInfo(view.center, view.scale),
actions: [risk_snapshot, ble_report, print_report, lidar_report]
In the popup, I am adding some smaller maps using a function called setContentInfo
that returns a "masterDiv" DOM node with the maps. However, I want to add an additional DOM Node outside of that div
to the content. The function is essentially setup as below. How can you add multiple items -DOM Nodes to content?
function setContentInfo(center, scale) {
var popupDiv1 = document.createElement("div");
var popupView1 = new MapView({
container: popupDiv1,
map: map,
actions: [],
center: view.center,
zoom: view.zoom,
view.scale *
2 *
Math.max(view.width / 250, view.height / 250),
constraints: {
rotationEnabled: false
ui: {
components: []
var popupDiv2 = document.createElement("div");
var popupMasterDiv = document.createElement("div");
popupMasterDiv.id = "masterDiv";
popupMasterDiv.style.width = "650px";
popupMasterDiv.style.height = "450px";
var theDiv = document.getElementById("masterDiv");
// Return a dom node
//return popupView.container;
return popupMasterDiv;
To test, I have tried adding var test = document.createElement("div"); test.textContent = "Hey";
and then adding
but it puts the "Hey" in the middle of the 2 maps. I also tried adding the above straight to the content like this:
content: setContentInfo(view.center, view.scale) + test,
But that removes the map content and only displays "Hey"
What I want is to add a nice little table in its own div
under the maps with something like this. What am I doing wrong here; how can I achieve this:
var table1 = "<table id="info">
<th> </th>
<td>Parcel ID</td>
<td>123.345, -43.432</td>