I have a GIS web application and vector data that is going from the model to the web application. For developing the User Interface I am using JavaScript and OpenLayers. But sometimes the amount of geospatial data that I need to simultaneously visualize on a map is very big (10 000+ objects) and the browser cannot respond to all user requests. So, how can I speed up the process of visualization (both model and UI part) of large amounts of geodata?

  • Can you generalize (pre-process) your data for the web?
    – Mapperz
    Commented Nov 5, 2012 at 21:55

2 Answers 2


check out AnimatedCluster strategy for OpenLayers here for big data and good ui. you can find code example here.


beside this examine openlayers clustering example.

  • Cluster Strategy Example, here

  • Extended clustering, here

    i hope it helps you...

  • Is it possible to somehow cache objects in order to speed up visualization process?
    – Dmitri
    Commented Nov 6, 2012 at 8:44
  • 2
    AFAIK, you can cache your image tile OpenLayers.Control.CacheRead and CacheWrite method.
    – urcm
    Commented Nov 6, 2012 at 8:51

The techniques to solve your issue and improve vector web mapping are:

  • Generalisation: The objects to display should be simplified/aggregated in order to adapt their level of detail to the visualisation scale/zoom. In theory, there should be on data layer for each zoom level. The best is to use a multi-scale database. See this question for an overview of existing generalisation techniques.

  • Spatial index service and vector tilling: Only data in the view should be transferred and displayed. To make it possible, a spatial index service (if the objects are small and compact) or pre-computed vector tiles (if the objects are big) could be used.

The best is to use all three techniques as explained in this excellent document !

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