What is the arcgis equivalent to the Arcinfo Workstation CLEAN command? Or perhaps better rephrased as, how does one clean topology without installing arcinfo workstation? Assume an arcinfo license level is present, just not the Arc:
command line environment.
Update: A key part of the question is "without installing arcinfo workstation". I blame the confusion on ESRI's decision to use the word "ArcInfo" for two distinct things, and then decouple them. In common usage ArcInfo can refer to a) arcinfo workstation, and b) arcinfo license level. You can't have workstation without an arcinfo license, but you can, and increasingly more and more people do, have an arcinfo license without workstation present -- which means the answers suggesting geoprocessing clean tool can't be used.
And Kirk is right, this question can also be thought of as "What is the modern equivalent to a polygon coverage (and how do you clean it)?"