I want to draw the following LISA map using LISA plot:

enter image description here

I have coded as follow:

 [1] 208747.39 118700.00 117146.43  89611.54 107893.75  77731.25 216783.78
 [8]  97163.64 145876.67  84680.57  72276.88  89362.60  74405.08 100794.39
[15]  81421.08  76828.41  93896.55  76176.00 237163.15  85700.00 355758.13
[22] 100177.78 120720.00  93139.06  51162.50 152129.41 226799.51 204133.01
[29] 151272.92 254876.92 171049.24  97109.09 140104.60 131881.10 216078.57
[36] 126713.36 194194.35 337972.47 121807.89 212139.69 350042.94 251899.02
[43] 302819.04 255027.12  90765.29  77887.50  68205.41 147259.80 205761.74
[50] 129957.89  95244.64  73006.12  70718.48  78767.05 124328.07 251974.24
[57] 140881.01  78558.49

Neighbour list object:
Number of regions: 58 
Number of nonzero links: 276 
Percentage nonzero weights: 8.204518 
Average number of links: 4.758621

listw1<-nb2listw(neigh1,style = "B")
Characteristics of weights list object:
Neighbour list object:
Number of regions: 58 
Number of nonzero links: 276 
Percentage nonzero weights: 8.204518 
Average number of links: 4.758621 

Weights style: B 
Weights constants summary:
   n   nn  S0  S1   S2
B 58 3364 276 552 5752

[1] 0.06761524
         Ii       E.Ii   Var.Ii      Z.Ii  Pr(z > 0)
1 4.0597758 -0.0877193 4.466689 1.9624248 0.02485652
2 0.4033954 -0.0877193 4.466689 0.2323754 0.40812323
3 0.5311378 -0.0877193 4.466689 0.2928178 0.38483070
4 3.7039811 -0.1052632 5.261654 1.6606483 0.04839205
5 0.7905368 -0.0877193 4.466689 0.4155548 0.33886790
6 2.7982894 -0.0877193 4.466689 1.3655411 0.08604152

I want to use the following method:


But I do not know how to find LISA.R. The output message in R is:

Error in source(LISA.R) : object 'LISA.R' not found

So how can I find the data of LISA.R?

Should I download LISA.R of California from the internet or I have to write codes to create LISA.R?

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    Commented Jun 19, 2021 at 23:00

1 Answer 1


The source function runs code from another R script file (see help(source) for details).

Normally you'd see it more like:


with the filename in quotation marks. Without the quotation marks it tries to find the value of an R object called LISA.R. That's why the error is object 'LISA.R' not found. You don't have an R object with that name.

To load a file with that name, use source("LISA.R"). If that file isn't found you'll get:

> source("LISA.R")
Error in file(filename, "r", encoding = encoding) : 
  cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(filename, "r", encoding = encoding) :
  cannot open file 'LISA.R': No such file or directory

If you don't have a file called LISA.R then you'll have to ask whoever or wherever told you to do this where it should be.

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