I would like to iterate over multiple tables in a geodatabase then feed the tables into the "Table to Domain" tool in ArcGIS ModelBuilder.
Currently it only seems to iterate over 1 table.
I have attached a graphic of the current setup as well as the python export.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Generated by ArcGIS ModelBuilder on : 2021-07-14 11:43:19
import arcpy
def # NOT IMPLEMENTED# Function Body not implemented
def HeritageDomainLoad(): # HeritageDomainLoad
# To allow overwriting outputs change overwriteOutput option to True.
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = False
HERITAGE_gdb = "P:\\01_GIS_Data\\TEST_CorporateDataStore_LOAD\\HERITAGE.gdb"
for domaintables, Name in # NOT IMPLEMENTED(HERITAGE_gdb, "TBL*", "", "NOT_RECURSIVE"):
# Process: Table To Domain (16) (Table To Domain)
Updated_Input_Workspace = arcpy.TableToDomain_management(in_table=domaintables, code_field="Code", description_field="Desc_", in_workspace=HERITAGE_gdb, domain_name="Code", domain_description="Desc_", update_option="REPLACE")[0]
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Global Environment settings
with arcpy.EnvManager(scratchWorkspace=r"P:\02_GIS_Jobs\P001-P500\P0151\Projects\Default.gdb", workspace=r"P:\02_GIS_Jobs\P001-P500\P0151\Projects\Default.gdb"):