When trying to export an ee.Image using ee.batch.Export.map.toCloudStorage() I'm getting an "Internal error" after a while (from 500 to 1000 seconds), regardless of what I try: exporting other assets, changing the scale, setting visualization options...
This is not working:
# Check task status
def status(task):
start_time = time.time()
print("Polling each 5 seconds for task id: {}".format(task.id))
while task.active():
if task.status()["state"]=="FAILED":
print("TASK FAILED: {}".format(task.status()["error_message"]))
print("Task took %s seconds" % (time.time() - start_time))
# Export tiles
image = ee.Image("users/username/asset")
task = ee.batch.Export.map.toCloudStorage(
image= image,
description= "tile-test"
scale= 20,
bucket= "name-of-the-bucket"
Also I've tried code from an answer found here. It returns the same error. Note: I have no problems writing to this bucket with ee.batch.Export.image.toCloudStorage(). ACLs are set to "fine-grained" for this bucket.
Is this a problem with my bucket or something else? I've run out of ideas.