For a project, we have the following layers:
- Multiple layers representing the 4G network coverage for the whole Switzerland
- Multiple layers representing different geographic areas of the country.
- One point layer with about 300 000 points representing the population at these points with the format X_Coord, Y_Coord, population
I have to compute the following calculation:
- Intersect the 4G coverage layers with all the geographic areas layers to compute the percentage of area covered
- Intersect the population layer with the result of 1. to compute the percentage of the population covered
To do this task I use MapInfo Pro V16 with a Map Basic script with the folowing function:
- Object intersects into target (for the coverage layer)
- Select sum(population) From CovLayer,Poplayer where CovLayer.obj Intersects PopLayer.obj into selection (For the population layer)
This procedure works but it takes a huge amount of time to compute (about 4 weeks for all the layers). Is there a way to do it faster?
I also tried with QGIS. It seems to be faster to compute the intersection with the geoprocessing Tools > Intersection but it's then much slower to execute the SQL query for the population.