I have installed ArcSDE 10 on PostgreSQL 8.4.3 with PostGIS 1.4.2. I did some tests.
I imported one feature layer with 8500 features into ArcSDE through ArcCatalog. and I deleted 8499 features in ArcMap and just kept one. I saved the edits. I checked the data using PostgresSQL client tool, like pgAdmin III. I still see 8500 rows in the table.
I imported one feature layer with 3 point features into ArcSDE through ArcCatalog. and I add 2 new points in ArcMap. I saved the edits. So I can see 5 points on this layer. But when checked the data pgAdmin III. I still only 3 rows in the table.
I closed and opened ArcMap and pgAdmin several times. and still see they have different data. Is anything I did wrong?