I have the address of Israel geoportal and I want to get the WMS link of these data. Actually I just need the satellite imagery data and I want to load it to the QGIS as a reference map. So the question could also be "How to add the satellite imagery from Israel geoportal into the QGIS"? Usually these geoportals have a wms server links which could be easily added to the QGIS. This is the geoportal: https://www.govmap.gov.il/?c=176744.1,575757.91&z=10&b=1&sb=11
1The portal proxies tile request via their webservers - for a reason (security, proprietary data etc.). If there's no public endpoint (WMS etc.), it seems contacting their support is your only (legal) option.– geozelotCommented Jul 31, 2021 at 13:48
Tile request are perhaps rewritten with javascript with this code map.govmap.gov.il/js_api_3/esri/layers/WebTiledLayer.js?3.2.0– user30184Commented Jul 31, 2021 at 20:16
@user30184 Is there a way to add this to QGIS, ArcGIS or Global Mapper as layer?– user87349Commented Aug 2, 2021 at 21:57
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This is the public WMS URL for "govMap Israel": https://open.govmap.gov.il/geoserver/opendata/wms?
However, there are only few layers which are available from that service, as listed in the screenshot from QGIS software: