New Answer:
It turned out, the thing I was looking for was the so-called concave hull, or alpha shape of the string. There are implementations to calculate the alpha shape, and I found one particularly helpful post on StackOverFlow. The only drawback is that alpha has to be chosen for each set of points within the MultiLineString individually. This alpha can be optimized by alphashape
but the time it takes seems to scale with the number of points.
import alphashape
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from time import time
from descartes import PolygonPatch
# Get Points from MultiLineString
# mls is a MultiLineString
points = []
for line in mls:
for c in line.coords:
points = np.array(points)
# Get optimal alpha and alpha shape
alpha = 0.95 * alphashape.optimizealpha(points, lower=0, upper=0.01, max_iterations=100)
hull = alphashape.alphashape(points, alpha)
hull_pts = hull.exterior.coords.xy
# Plot it
ax = gdf.iloc[1:2].plot()
ax.scatter(hull_pts[0], hull_pts[1], color='red')
ax.add_patch(PolygonPatch(hull, fill=True, color='green'))
I might still need to resample some points on the lines, but otherwise it's great.
After some tinkering, I found a solution by myself:
Edit: This only works when the MultiLineString forms some sort of Linear Ring. When Lines are not connected, polygonize
returns an empty list.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon
from shapely.ops import polygonize, unary_union
multi = MultiPolygon(list(polygonize(my_gdf.geometry.iloc[0])))
poly = unary_union(mp)
ax = my_gdf.geometry.iloc[:1].plot()
x,y = poly.exterior.xy
ax.plot(x, y, color="orange")
The orange line is the boundary of the poly
polygon, encompassing all the lines of the multilinestring.