From @user30184's comment, I checked the code and first found this:
public static Geometry overlay(Geometry geom0, Geometry geom1,
int opCode, PrecisionModel pm)
OverlayNG ov = new OverlayNG(geom0, geom1, pm, opCode);
Geometry geomOv = ov.getResult();
return geomOv;
I then checked the getResult()
method and found this:
else {
// handle case where both inputs are formed of edges (Lines and Polygons)
result = computeEdgeOverlay();
Checking the computeEdgeOverlay
function led me to this:
return extractResult(opCode, graph);
I then checked the extractResult
function and found this:
private Geometry extractResult(int opCode, OverlayGraph graph) {
boolean isAllowMixedIntResult = ! isStrictMode;
//--- Build polygons
List<OverlayEdge> resultAreaEdges = graph.getResultAreaEdges();
PolygonBuilder polyBuilder = new PolygonBuilder(resultAreaEdges, geomFact);
List<Polygon> resultPolyList = polyBuilder.getPolygons();
boolean hasResultAreaComponents = resultPolyList.size() > 0;
Finally, I checked the getResultAreaEdges
method and found the following comment after it:
* Traverse the star of DirectedEdges, linking the included edges together.
* To link two dirEdges, the <code>next</code> pointer for an incoming dirEdge
* is set to the next outgoing edge.
* <p>
* DirEdges are only linked if:
* <ul>
* <li>they belong to an area (i.e. they have sides)
* <li>they are marked as being in the result
* </ul>
* <p>
* Edges are linked in CCW order (the order they are stored).
* This means that rings have their face on the Right
* (in other words,
* the topological location of the face is given by the RHS label of the DirectedEdge)
* <p>
* PRECONDITION: No pair of dirEdges are both marked as being in the result
public void linkResultDirectedEdges()
This comment includes the words CCW order
, RHS label
, and in the result
, which highly suggests that the algorithm that is being used can be found in the paper
"An Edge Labeling Approach to Concave Polygon Clipping" by Klamer Schutte (1995)
since these terms explicitly appear in this paper. This is also the second paper mentioned in the JTS FAQ question Are there any references which describe the algorithms used in JTS?. However, there is no way to say for sure that this is true, and I believe that special cases are handled using the algorithms found in the paper
"A General and Efficient Implementation of Geometric Operators and Predicates" by Edward P. F. Chan and Jimmy N. H. Ng (1997)
which is also mentioned in the JTS FAQ.
method and not theintersection
method, which I am asking about. I've checked the code related to dr_jts's comments, but it still does not answer my question.